e-DREAM (European Distributed REsearch Infrastructure for Advanced Electron Microscopy) is a not-for-profit initiative formed to promote cooperation between European-level advanced electron microscopy infrastructure providers, collaborative research and transnational user programmes.
Recent updates
All partners have signed the Terms of Reference to formalise the e-DREAM initiative. In addition, statutes for the establishment of a legal entity in the form of an AISBL are being drafted.
ReMade@ARI – a hub for materials development for recycling
The European Union’s Circular Economy Action Plan is based on the assumption that up to 80 percent of a product’s environmental impact is determined during the design phase. In order to foster a comprehensive approach to sustainable production and products, the European research infrastructure project ReMade@ARI is about to be launched: it commits to leverage the development of innovative, sustainable materials for key components in the most diverse sectors, such as electronics, batteries, vehicles, construction, packaging, plastics, textiles and food on an unprecedented level. In order to meet the challenge of designing new materials that are both competitively functional and highly recyclable, the potential of more than 50 analytical research infrastructures of the European ARIE network (https://arie-eu.org/) will be harnessed. e-DREAM contributes with access to its unique electron microscopes. This concerns the entire chain from sample preparation to evaluation and interpretation of data. ReMade@ARI will start on September 1, 2022 under the leadership of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) .
Analytical Research Infrastructures in Europe (ARIE) raises attention to the funding needs of research infrastructures in the next Horizon Europe programme.

e-DREAM is a member of the Analytical Research Infrastructures of Europe (ARIE). The ARIEs are centres of scientific and technological excellence. Supporting a growing community of researchers across Europe, and indeed the globe, they bridge scientific disciplines, academia and industry, and function as multi-faceted science and technology enablers.